Parish History
Founded in 1956, Our Lady of Lourdes is a vibrant and
diverse community that supports and promotes the
diocesan vision.
Newly appointed pastor, Fr. Joseph C. Mackey, celebrated liturgy for the first time
on June 12, 1955, for some 20 families of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Montclair, at
the then Valley Drive-In Theater. During that summer, a property was purchased
and a year and a half thereafter, a church was built hardworking and dedicated
parishioners during weekends and evenings.
Dominating the structure is a 60-foot bell tower capped by a dome inlaid with 24-
karat gold mosaic Italian tile crosses. The church was dedicated by Bishop Charles
Buddy of the Diocese of San Diego on December 12, 1956. The parish came into
the Doicese of San Bernardino in 1978 when it was created.
Currently, under the outstanding leadership of its Administrator, Fr. Clarence
Saldua, M.S. Pastor. Our Lady of Lourdes enjoys a membership of 1,800 vibrant
and prayerful families of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Together the
parish community supports and promotes the diocesan vision of “...impacting family,
neighborhood and society with the Gospel so that people’s lives are filled with
“We are empowered to be a sign of God’s love
in our families, neighborhood, and society.”
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
Saturday Masses: 3rd Saturday
English: 5:00 PM Bilingual: 5:00 PM
Español: 6:30 PM
Sunday Masses:
7:00 AM: English
9:00 AM: Español
11:00 AM: English
2:00 PM: Español
4:00 PM: Vietnamese
5:30 PM: Chinese
Daily Mass: First Friday
Monday - Friday 7:00 AM Sacred Heart Mass
(Lunes en Español) 6:00 PM Rosary
6:30 PM English Mass
Pandemic Information
Sanitize your Hands
Mask are not required, but do encourage to
wear masks, IF health conditions exist, or as
a personal choice, to ensure maximum
safetly/pecaustions for all.
We encourage you to stay home if you or a
family member is ill.
Saturday from 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Holy Days:
See Bulletin for details.
Holy Hour:
First Friday of the month after
the 7:00 AM Mass for one hour
Last Saturday of the month after
6:30 PM Mass